Knauf Announces New Performance+ Fiberglass Insulation Portfolio, CERTIFIED asthma & allergy friendlyᴹᴰ


Portfolio of HVAC insulation sets a new standard

Shelbyville, IN (1 mai 2024) -- Knauf Insulation, Inc., a leading, family-owned global manufacturer of fiberglass insulation, today announced the launch of its new HVAC fiberglass insulation product line, Knauf Performance+. This product line is the first of its kind to be CERTIFIED asthma & allergy friendlyᴹᴰ and the only HVAC fiberglass insulation line that is formaldehyde-free.

The asthma & allergy friendlyᴹᴰ Certification Program established by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) and Allergy Standards Limited (ASL), certifies products more suitable for people with asthma and allergies. The process to become certified requires physical and chemical testing to ensure products reduce allergen exposure and limit pollutants in the indoor environment.

"We care deeply about what goes into our products, how they are made, and most importantly how they will impact installers and occupants," said Nathan Walker, SVP Sales, Marketing and Innovation. "Knauf’s commitment to indoor air quality is long-standing, demonstrated by pioneering the bio-based, formaldehyde-free binder ECOSEᴹᴰ, and our status as the first building products manufacturer to achieve GREENGUARD certification."

In a world where indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air (EPA), improving indoor air quality is critical. The Knauf Performance+ line is formaldehyde-free and boasts low VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) levels, which significantly reduces the risk of asthma and allergy triggers. May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, a month dedicated to building understanding, education, and advocacy for the 100 million people in the United States who live with asthma and/or allergies. Childhood asthma remains the leading cause of disease-related school absenteeism, resulting in more than 10 million missed school days annually.

"By choosing Knauf Performance+ for their insulation needs, contractors and architects are taking a vital step, contributing to healthier, more comfortable environments for everyone, especially the most vulnerable," says Dr. John McKeon, CEO of Allergy Standards Ltd.

"By the end of 2024, Knauf commits to eliminating formaldehyde from all its remaining products. This move sets a new standard in the production of healthier building materials," says Walker. For more information about Knauf Performance+ and how it can contribute to healthier indoor environments, please visit


Knauf Insulation North America fait partie de Knauf Group, une entreprise familiale et fabricant mondial de matériaux de construction basé à Iphofen, en Allemagne. En tant qu’entreprise multimilliardaire, Knauf tire parti de l’expertise de plus de 40 000 employés œuvrant dans 300 installations de production situées dans 90 pays. En Amérique du Nord, Knauf Insulation est un chef de file mondial de la fabrication d’isolants thermiques et acoustiques en fibre de verre destinés aux applications résidentielles, commerciales et industrielles, aux fabricants d’équipement d’origine et aux constructions métalliques. La mission de Knauf est de défier la pensée conventionnelle et de créer des solutions innovantes qui façonnent notre façon de vivre et de construire à l’avenir, en prenant soin des personnes qui les fabriquent, des personnes qui les utilisent et du monde dont nous dépendons tous. Pour en savoir, consultez

À propos du programme de certification « compatible avec l’asthme et les allergies » Asthma & Alergy Friendlyᴹᴰ

The asthma & allergy friendlyᴹᴰ Certification Program is a unique, groundbreaking collaboration between the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and Allergy Standards Limited. This program helps people make informed purchases for a healthier home. The program tests products against strict standards. Les produits qui réussissent ces tests obtiennent la marque CERTIFIÉ « compatible avec l’asthme et les allergies » Asthma & Alergy Friendlyᴹᴰ. Les produits certifiés comprennent les purificateurs d’air, la literie, les produits de nettoyage, les revêtements de sol, les peintures, les aspirateurs, les machines à laver et plus encore.

Personne-ressource pour les médias :

Amanda Pollard
312 914-4417
[email protected]

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